Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why do people look for their birth parents?

I do wonder this often? Why would someone set out on a search for their birth mother or birth parents?

Of course, I get the need for people needing an organ or tissue donor...or some kind of medical emergency.

But for someone like me...not in need of medical information...why would I? How would it benefit me?

Am I really missing something?

Am I somehow inherently inadequate due to being adopted and just don't realize it yet? Or am in denial of my inadequateness?

I don't feel a void. Why would I? I have parents...I have siblings....I have a family.

I don't have a billboard in my yard alerting neighbors to my adopted status. There's no stigma.

I know where my parents live. I know who they are.

What would I gain?

1 comment:

Mark Diebel said...

I can tell you for myself... I didn't search for 48 years... and felt fine about the whole thing... what finally pushed me over the edge was someone asking me "are you Hawaiian"? for the 10,000th time... and I told my wife and said, hey, I wonder if any of those stories were true that I was told about my mom's family, that I might have gone to live with her parents in Hawaii?

It turns out that they were true... and I learned something about my father that cleared up something I had heard.

No, I don't think you are missing something... probably... you can go through your whole life without having to search this out. Others have.

That said, I'm glad I did.