Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Success in my adoption quest...sorta....

Ahhhh... okay, with as many emails as I send, you'd think I could successfully reply and hit send.

Three failure notices later.....

I finally acheived success!!!!!!! yeah!

Well, I kinda sorta maybe acheived success, in that my adoption questionnaire was actually received by the group. :)

I still need to get my birth certificate. You know...I hadn't even thought about needing a copy of it. duh.

I've just always used my passport since we had to get that just after we got married....so I've had no need for it for the last twenty years.... silly me.

The contact was really nice and helpful though...so I'd certainly second the recommendation for California adoptees to check it out.

Some adoption sites seem a little shady...like they're just looking to separate a fool from his pennies...but this one seems legit and didn't ask for money. :)

color me impressed :)

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