Monday, September 3, 2007

California Adoption FAQ Thoughts...

Hmmmm....the information on the questions and answers comes from the California Department of Social Services. Their services don't seem all that social.

"By signing this form, I voluntarily give my consent to the CDSS or licensed adoption agency to disclose my name and address to my birth parent(s) so he/she may contact me"....

So...wondering again out loud....can you not request the non-identifying information unless you sign the consent to disclose form?


If that is the case...then sheesh. I can't find out THE MOST BASIC information without rolling out the welcome mat to whomever might decide to trek across the US and show up on my doorstep. As if my house is not enough of a circus.

Not that I think anyone would do up on the doorstep that is...but I'm not asking for an address...I'm asking about ME!

you what nationality...

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