Sunday, September 2, 2007

Adoptions being a secret thing.....

Now when I said that "I wonder why adoptions are such a secret thing".... I did not mean why do people keep adoptions a secret. I was talking about why the information about an adoption....

I am quite sure there are people whose families, for whatever reason, did not tell their kids that they were not adopted. That did not happen to me. I've known for as long as I can remember knowing that I was adopted. Sure there may have been a time that I didn't understand exactly what that meant, but I don't remember it. I've always known that I was adopted.

Funny story...funny now, that my 8th birthday party, I wished for a little sister. I had a younger brother (also adopted) and like most young girls...thought a sister would be an improvement. ha. Another kid at the party was kind enough (sarcasm) to enlighten me to the fact that my mom couldn't have I needed to make a new wish. doofus girl. Well...pooh on her because when I was 13, lo and family grew with the addition of a new little sister that we adopted. Pretty cool, eh.

Anyway...rambling again...

The secret part I was talking about is the background information about the biological parents. Not their name, picture and social security number...but little trivial tidbits like their age, likes, dislikes, and what not. (sounds like a centerfold bio with out the pics...ha)

I think I know a few things...but for all I know I've imagined these things and turned them into facts. ha

I'd never quiz my folks on it...I loss. But those are the things I'm curious about. I don't need a name, an address, a reason for giving up custody...those things aren't even all that interesting.

Do they like watching "Forensic Files" after dark, metal detecting in the woods...or ranch on their avocado????

you know...normal stuff


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