Monday, August 6, 2007

My thoughts on the Open vs Closed Adoption idea....

I've read over the description discussing open adoption vs. closed adoption....

It should be noted that I:

a)was born in in California.
b)became a ward of the state sometime after birth
c)was adopted in a closed adoption in California at 14 months.

Therefore...I only have the personal experience of an adoptee in a closed adoption...

That being said...I can see other reasons for a closed adoption rather than the mentioned preference to "preserve the myth" that the family was biological.

What if the birth parent is an abuser or harmed other children in his/her custody? The adoptive family should not live in fear of harm or kidnapping by forcing the exchange of information across the board. There is undoubtedly a time and place where closed adoptions are in the child's best interests.

I do not feel that my parents were ever trying to "preserve the myth." They were always open and honest about my adoption and it certainly was never a mark of shame.

To paint adoptive families with the wide brush and taint of having conspired to "preserve the myth" seems like bologna. The description makes it seem as if adoptive parents are guilty of something.

Bah...I don't buy that.

That being a mother...could I just hand my child over sight unseen to whomever was at the top of the waiting list. It's a baby...a human being...not a burger out the windows at McD's.

And if you believe the state has the best interest of the child in mind....well... go pick up a newspaper.

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